Nectar Collector Kit With Titanium Tip - VCNC8

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Nectar Collector Kit With Titanium Tip - VCNC8

Nectar Collector: The centerpiece of the kit is the Nectar Collector, which is a specialized water filtration device for vaporizing concentrates. It typically consists of a glass or silicone body with a detachable mouthpiece, a percolator for water filtration, and a detachable titanium tip.

Titanium Tip: The titanium tip is a key component of the Nectar Collector. It is made from high-quality titanium, known for its durability and heat resistance. The tip is heated using a torch or electronic heating element, allowing you to dab your concentrates directly onto the heated surface for vaporization.

Water Filtration: The Nectar Collector features a water chamber or percolator that helps cool and filter the vapor for smoother hits. This water filtration system helps remove impurities and provides a more enjoyable and clean-tasting experience.